Snack Menu

Our monthly snack menu meets or exceeds federal food guidelines and Wisconsin Department of Children and Families licensing regulations.  The snack menu is posted on the parent board in the main hallway and in each classroom.

If your child has a food allergy, intolerance or religious preference please request a paper copy to indicate which snacks your child may or may not have. On the days when your child is unable to have the snack on the menu please send a healthy alternative from the same food group which meets your child’s specific needs. For example-if your child is allergic to pineapple please send another fruit on the day pineapple is served. We cannot serve fruit snacks, candy, chips or other such items as snack alternatives.

Life threatening allergies are handled on a case by case, year by year basis. At this time we do not have any restrictions on the food you send from home for snack or in lunches. Should a child or staff member require limitations on certain foods brought into the classroom or center we will notify all members of our school regarding the changes to our food policy.